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how much does a refrigerator weigh

How much does a refrigerator weigh

How much does a refrigerator weigh? Refrigerators have become an essential household appliance that keeps food and drinks fresh for extended periods. With the advancement in technology, refrigerators come in various sizes and designs, and each design has its unique features. The weight of a refrigerator varies depending on the size, style, and features. In this article, we will explore the factors that determine the weight of a refrigerator and how much a typical refrigerator weighs.

Factors that Determine the Weight of a Refrigerator


The size of a refrigerator is a significant factor that determines its weight. Refrigerators come in different sizes, ranging from small compact models to large commercial-sized models. The bigger the refrigerator, the heavier it will be. A compact refrigerator designed for a single person will weigh less compared to a refrigerator designed for a family of four or more. A large commercial refrigerator used in supermarkets, restaurants, or hotels can weigh up to several hundred pounds.


Refrigerators come in various styles, such as top freezer, bottom freezer, side-by-side, French door, and compact models. Each style has its unique features and design, and they all vary in weight. For example, a top freezer refrigerator will weigh less compared to a side-by-side refrigerator with the same capacity.


Refrigerators come with different features such as ice makers, water dispensers, digital displays, and smart features. The more features a refrigerator has, the heavier it will be. A refrigerator with an ice maker and water dispenser will weigh more compared to a refrigerator without these features.

How Much Does a Typical Refrigerator Weigh?

The weight of a refrigerator varies depending on the factors mentioned above. A typical refrigerator used in households weighs between 200-300 pounds. This weight includes the weight of the refrigerator and the compressor. The compressor is the motor that runs the refrigerator and is responsible for the cooling process.

A compact refrigerator designed for a single person can weigh between 30-100 pounds. These types of refrigerators are small in size and can fit in small spaces such as a dorm room, office, or RV.

A mid-sized refrigerator designed for a family of four or more can weigh between 150-250 pounds. These types of refrigerators come in various styles such as top freezer, bottom freezer, and side-by-side. They have a capacity of 18-25 cubic feet and are suitable for most households.

A large commercial refrigerator used in supermarkets, restaurants, or hotels can weigh up to several hundred pounds. These types of refrigerators come in different sizes and designs and can have a capacity of up to 50 cubic feet or more.

How to Safely Move a Refrigerator

Moving a refrigerator can be a challenging task due to its weight and size. However, with the right tools and techniques, moving a refrigerator can be done safely and efficiently. Here are some tips to help you move a refrigerator safely:

Plan Ahead

Before moving a refrigerator, it’s essential to plan ahead. Measure the dimensions of the refrigerator and the doorway or stairway where it will pass through. This will help you determine if the refrigerator can fit through the doorway or stairway.

Empty the Refrigerator

Before moving the refrigerator, it’s crucial to empty its contents. This will reduce the weight of the refrigerator and prevent the contents from spilling during the move.

Defrost the Freezer

If your refrigerator has a freezer, it’s essential to defrost it before moving. This will prevent ice from forming during the move and keep the refrigerator’s interior dry.

Turn off the Power

Before moving the refrigerator, turn off the power and unplug it from the electrical outlet. This will prevent electrical shock and damage to the refrigerator’s electrical components.

Secure the Doors and Shelves

Use a strong tape or bungee cords to secure the doors of the refrigerator. This will prevent the doors from opening during the move and damaging the refrigerator’s interior or exterior. If your refrigerator has a latch or lock, use it to secure the doors. Also, secure the shelves, drawers, and any other removable parts separately to prevent them from sliding around during the move.

Use a Dolly

A dolly is a useful tool for moving heavy appliances such as refrigerators. Place the refrigerator on the dolly and secure it with straps or bungee cords. This will make it easier to move the refrigerator and reduce the risk of injury.

Use Proper Lifting Techniques

When lifting the refrigerator, use proper lifting techniques to avoid back injuries. Bend your knees and keep your back straight while lifting. Don’t twist your body while lifting, as this can cause muscle strain.

Use a Moving Truck

If you’re moving the refrigerator a long distance, it’s recommended to use a moving truck. A moving truck will provide a secure and stable environment for the refrigerator during the move.

Hire Professional Movers

If you’re not comfortable moving a refrigerator on your own, it’s best to hire professional movers. Professional movers have the right equipment and experience to move a refrigerator safely and efficiently. They will also provide insurance coverage in case of any damage during the move.


Moving a refrigerator requires careful planning and execution to avoid any damage to the refrigerator and the surrounding property. Follow these tips to move a refrigerator safely: plan ahead, empty the refrigerator, defrost the freezer, clean the refrigerator, turn off the power, secure the doors and shelves, use a dolly, use proper lifting techniques, use a moving truck, and hire professional movers if necessary. By following these steps, you can move a refrigerator safely and efficiently.

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